001: The Sidequest

Hey Reader!

It’s been a while since I last reached out.

Honestly, I’ve been feeling lost.

When I pivoted my focus to coaches (and away from founders), the enthusiasm just wasn’t there anymore.

Before the shift, I was active on Twitter—hustling, sending DMs and securing clients. It worked well until the leads started drying up.

My pivot to targeting coaches felt like the right move, but it required starting from scratch.

All my previous efforts - my credibility, authority, social proof — seemed wasted.

The thought of grinding again on Facebook and Instagram drained my energy.

I suspect this is partly due to my ADHD.

The excitement has faded, and this isn’t the first time it’s happened.

Given these feelings, I’ve decided not to take on any more coaching clients.

I’ll wrap up with my current clients and move on.

As for making money moving forward, I have a few options.

  1. First, there’s the course MakeWhatPeopleWant.com” that I built but haven’t marketed yet. I need to set up the funnel and run ads for it.
  2. Another option is partnering with others to deliver training programs to companies. Although my heart isn’t fully in it, it’s still a consideration to generate revenue.
  3. My third option excites me the most: creating game-based learning experiences. I've developed two games — Super Sales Pro for B2C sales skills and Redwater Rescue for leadership and problem-solving. The response on LinkedIn has been overwhelmingly positive; people are genuinely interested without much effort on my part. These games represent a product-based business rather than a service-based one. Once sold, there’s no ongoing commitment required from me.

This shift explains why you haven’t received daily emails from me as promised.

Moving forward, I’m considering changing the focus of this email list from business building to sharing daily updates, lessons learned, hacks and ideas—a true reflection of my ADHD-driven journey.

And, rebranding it to The Sidequest.

Would you be interested in this new direction? If so, awesome!

If not, feel free to unsubscribe by clicking here.

I hope this new adventure will be as intriguing for you as it is for me.


Arvindh Sundar

P.s. Check out Super Sales Pro here.

M*rketing for Devs

I coach solo tech founders to profitability by reframing M*rketing as a videogame adventure. I send one actionable m*rketing tip every weekday to help Founders, Makers, Builders & Devs get more traction, sales & growth. Expect personal stories, dad jokes & ok videos from a former CMO who's helped 100+ clients.

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