345: You may be overlooking this...

Hey Reader!

Hope you're doing well.

I didn't email you the past couple of days because I didn't have anything worthwhile to say.

I've been spending my time doing discovery calls and customer research interviews, trying to figure out what I can help coaches and founders with in exchange for some good money.

But, today, I've had an epiphany that I wanted to share with you.

Earlier this week, I had a call with someone I've been working with for some time.

They have their offer, products, and a funnel, but weren't able to get the acceleration and growth they wanted.

When they shared this with me over a call, I started digging. But, I couldn't figure it out because they had all the pieces in place.

To get some help, I described this to my wife this morning as she was getting ready for work.

She was already late - and my talkative nature didn't help.

After I rambled on for a few minutes, she snapped at me and said, "Oh my God, will you stop going around and around? Can you just tell me exactly what I need to do step by step?"

That's when it hit me.

This person has an online 'ecosystem'. Everything is interconnected, making it easy for someone to go from product A to B to C.

But this interconnectedness also made it hard for someone outside their ecosystem to know where to enter.

People don't like making mistakes - and as a result, they don't take action.

You don't want that.

I don't want that.

Nobody don't want that.

When you have multiple products and funnels, be clear about where a newbie should start.

Then, give them a map - a well-planned path for them to follow so you make money.

I'm considering to plan this out on a flowchart itself.


That's all I have for today.

It's 10 past two in the afternoon as I'm dictating this message into audiopen.

My daughter will be back in about an hour, and I have another discovery call in 20 minutes.

Just wanted to share this quick win that you might be overlooking.

I'll see you tomorrow.


P.s. I pruned my todo list to remove anything that's not gonna take me to 5k MRR. It was terrifying.

M*rketing for Devs

I coach solo tech founders to profitability by reframing M*rketing as a videogame adventure. I send one actionable m*rketing tip every weekday to help Founders, Makers, Builders & Devs get more traction, sales & growth. Expect personal stories, dad jokes & ok videos from a former CMO who's helped 100+ clients.

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